The Johnson Program

The Johnson Program for Leadership and Integrity

For generations, 太阳城集团大学和李大学的毕业生对社会做出了巨大的贡献. In communities all over the world, 他们在个人诚信和服务他人的道德指导下提供了宝贵的领导能力.

约翰逊领导力与诚信项目成立于2008年,旨在进一步推动W&L的使命是让毕业生做好准备,迎接全球化和多元化社会的挑战和机遇. The program offers a competitive, 择优奖学金发放给每届新生的10%左右, plus on-campus programming, faculty support, and summer enhancement funding to allow W&L学生在全球施展才华.

The Program @ Work

The Johnson Scholarship

约翰逊奖学金以学术成就为基础,对学生进行认可和奖励, demonstrated leadership and integrity, 以及他们为美国的知识和公民生活做出贡献的潜力&L campus and the world at large in years to come. 

约翰逊奖学金获得者获得全额学费的优秀奖学金, housing, and meals, plus up to $10,000 for internships, community service projects, faculty-supervised research, international experiences, and leadership projects during the summer.

Opportunity Grants

约翰逊机会补助金是在竞争的基础上颁发的,并向任何返回W&L student. Grants of up to $6,000 cover travel, living expenses, 与计划项目或暑期活动相关的其他费用. 过去的项目包括国内和国际会议, research travel, and community leadership service projects.

More than a Scholarship

The Johnson Scholarship is just one aspect of W&L's Johnson Program for Leadership and Integrity, 为全体学生提供机会和资金的项目.

Full Scholarship

The Johnson Scholarship

每年有多达44名学生作为约翰逊奖学金获得者获得至少学费、食宿费的奖励. 学生是根据学业成绩选拔的, 展示了他们的领导能力和潜力,为美国的知识和公民生活做出了贡献&L campus and of the world at large in years to come.

Money to Explore

Summer Enhancement Funds

每位约翰逊奖学金获得者还可额外获得10美元,000 to support summer experiences traveling, volunteering, interning, or conducting research. 增强基金旨在提供宝贵的实践经验,并可用于交通, living expenses, equipment, and more.

Experience Funding

Opportunity Grants

The Johnson Program provides funds of up to $6,在全国和世界各地支持学生项目. 约翰逊机会补助金是竞争性的,对任何正在上升的大三或大四学生开放. 最近的项目包括制作一部关于泛美铁路旅行的纪录片, interning at the British House of Commons, 并在国立儿童医院基因医学系进行研究.


Endowed Faculty Chairs

除了为学生提供奖学金和机会基金, 约翰逊项目支持两个全职教师职位, one in the Williams School of Commerce, Economics and Politics and one in The College.

500+ Strong

Alumni Network

第一批约翰逊学者毕业于W&L in 2012. Over ten years later, 500多名约翰逊学者加入了太阳城集团的校友网络,他们所从事的领域和他们的兴趣一样广泛, 他们总是渴望帮助其他学者找到自己的职业道路.


International Recognition

Johnson Scholars go on to do incredible things. Three recent scholars have won Rhodes Scholarships. W&L学院是过去10年里唯一一所拥有不止一位罗德奖获得者的文理学院, 我们三个人都利用约翰逊奖学金项目提供的机会,打造了一份配得上这一荣誉的简历. A Forbes "40 Under 40" recipient, numerous Fulbright and Goldwater fellows, doctors, business leaders, entrepreneurs, 和公务员——约翰逊学者可以做任何事情.


Banking on Women


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Making Space

24岁的科尔·格什科维奇(Cole Gershkovich)发现,他的目标是研究在有心理健康挑战的个体中培养归属感和赋权的空间.

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Ben Bankston '25

Leading By Example

Ben Bankston ’25 is finding opportunities at W&L to challenge himself in and out of the classroom.

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Meet Brad Singer ’24


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Katie Yurechko '24

W&L的Katie Yurechko入选2024届马歇尔学者

Yurechko ' 24是该大学的第一位马歇尔学者.

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W&L’s Avalon Pernell ’23 Awarded Fulbright to Germany


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Avalon Pernell '23

Maximizing Her Network

23岁的阿瓦隆·佩内尔(Avalon Pernell)将她在商业新闻领域开始职业生涯时在校园里获得的指导归功于她.

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Mansi Tripathi

W&L ' s Mansi Tripathi ' 22授予哥伦比亚富布赖特奖


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Hannah Puckett '23

The Flow of Influence

在得到太阳城集团学长的大力支持后, 23岁的汉娜·帕克特(Hannah Puckett)将她的时间奉献给指导和咨询一年级学生,以此来回报社会.

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Lauren Hoaglund '22

‘The Honor of Learning’

22岁的劳伦·霍格伦(Lauren Hoaglund)充分发挥了她对中世纪和文艺复兴历史的热情, literature, 古典文学和戏剧变成了繁忙但收获颇多的W大学四年&L.

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Paige Anderson '22 spent the summer recording an album, "Romances for Violins," in memory of her grandmother. Photo courtesy Chad Braithwaite Faces Photography.

‘One More Song’


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