Alumni Engagement

You're Always Welcome


Image of W&L flags on event tents

Image of W&L flags on event tents

On Campus Or In Your Hometown

Let's Celebrate Together



Office of Lifelong Learning

Education for Life

The best way to celebrate W&L对终身学习的持久承诺是通过亲身体验. 通过校园的教育冒险分享大学的生活, around the world or online.




Colonnade Connections

Your W&L Online Community

从职业关系网到寻找久违的朋友, Colonnade Connections是该大学的在线数据库.

Alumni Engagement

校友参与办公室的工作人员为W&L alumni.

John A. Jensen III ’01
John A. Jensen III ’01

John A. Jensen III ’01


Hotchkiss Alumni House

约翰于2022年7月被任命为太阳城集团校友和职业服务的执行主任. In this role, 他领导着一个由校友参与办公室组成的联合团队, Career and Professional Development, and Lifelong Learning. 他的团队齐心协力,在整个W课程中为学生、校友和家长提供支持&我的经历,从校园的第一年到毕业,甚至更远.

Katharine Farrar
Katharine Farrar

Katharine Farrar

Director of Alumni Chapter Programs

Michelle Jones
Michelle Jones

Michelle Jones

Director of Alumni Reunions and Events

Murtaza M. Kapasi
Murtaza M. Kapasi

Murtaza M. Kapasi


Bridgett Zitmore
Bridgett Zitmore

Bridgett Zitmore


Katie Harlow
Katie Harlow

Katie Harlow

Alumni Engagement Operations Coordinator

Ruth Candler
Ruth Candler

Ruth Candler

Associate Director of Lifelong Learning; Host, Executive Producer for W&L After Class Podcast

露丝于2019年4月加入太阳城集团和李的终身学习团队. 她的好奇心和对学习的热爱使她成为发起和主持After Class的完美选择. Ruth also manages W&L的教育旅行计划,并享受与她的旅伴一起体验新地方的同志情谊. 当她不在学校的时候,她喜欢园艺、徒步旅行和与家人共度时光.

Lisa D’Amelio
Lisa D’Amelio

Lisa D’Amelio

Assistant Director of Lifelong Learning

Lisa对教育和旅行的热情使她于2021年加入了终身学习办公室. 除了支持旅游项目,她还管理着虚拟读书俱乐部和校园项目. Lisa has a rich history with W&L, having previously worked at the law school, 最近担任职业战略办公室的招聘协调员. Before joining W&L in 2018, 丽莎在不同的教育岗位上工作了20多年, 包括在罗克布里奇县公立学校教授ESL, 为当地小学提供西班牙语强化课程, 并在切图马尔教授英语作为第二语言, Mexico. 她还担任当地一所幼儿园的主任多年. Lisa earned her M.Ed. from Wilmington University in 1996.

Taylor Meeker
Taylor Meeker

Taylor Meeker


Katharine Farrar
Michelle Jones
Murtaza M. Kapasi
Bridgett Zitmore
Katie Harlow
Ruth Candler
Lisa D’Amelio
Taylor Meeker
John A. Jensen III ’01

Alumni in the News

W&L的校友是他们专业和社区的领导者. Read on to see who is making news today.

Focusing on the Man Who Captured JFK

13岁的斯蒂尔·伯罗(Steele Burrow)利用他的文科教育创作了他的第一部纪录片, “Capturing Kennedy,,该片将于本周末在波士顿电影节上首映.

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Writing His Own Ticket: Pete Abitante ’78

As a vice president at the NFL, 阿比坦特负责该组织的沟通和特别项目.

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Winning Mentality: Taylor Garcia ’22


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Synthesizing the Stats: Matt Dodson ’20


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In the Lead: Scoring the Internship


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W&L Outcomes: William Dantini ’24

丹蒂尼被选为第七届弗吉尼亚管理研究员项目的成员, 哪个项目旨在培养州政府的下一代领导人.

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Working Overtime


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W&L Outcomes: Katie Yurechko ’24

太阳城集团大学暑期实习之后, 尤蕾奇科将在牛津大学攻读硕士学位.

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Going for the Goal

12岁的马特·辛普森(Matt Simpson)在2016年的残奥会上获得了足球银牌. He’s hoping to top that this summer.

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W&L Outcomes: Kathleen Roberts ’24


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W&L Outcomes: Jack Maloy ’24


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Second Act: Stanley Erdreich Jr. ’57

After a 60-year career in investment banking, real estate and venture capital, Erdreich欣然接受了自己富有创造力的一面,将对诗歌的热情转化为歌曲创作.

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