Engagement and Service

Campus Kitchen

The Campus Kitchen at W&L通过为罗克布里奇县社区的低收入成员提供均衡膳食,与饥饿作斗争,促进营养. The program educates W&L students by providing opportunities for leadership, engaging a distinctive population in our community, initiating nutrition programs in the community, promoting awareness of nutrition and hunger issues, and stimulating research on hunger. 一年级学生可以通过#饥饿斗士计划参与校园厨房.

The Bonner Program

邦纳计划是一个独特的领导力发展计划,为学生在服务和公民参与的兴趣. 该计划是基于这样一种信念,即学生有愿望和能力通过他们的社区服务留下持久和独特的贡献. 邦纳计划为学生提供继续参与社区服务的框架, 同时提供财政支持,帮助他们更负担得起教育. 邦纳斯承诺在四年的大学课程中接受1800小时的服务和领导力培训.

The Nabors Service League

Nabors服务联盟是一个由学生管理的社区服务组织,致力于促进和鼓励服务精神,并将服务与学习联系起来. In addition to connecting W&L students with local agencies through community-wide service days, the NSL team sponsors alternative break trips over Reading Days, Washington Break and Spring Break. First-years can get involved in NSL as members of the Good Nabors Program.

Campus Garden

W&L's Campus Garden, located on back campus, is always open for student volunteers or paid workers, depending on your needs. Work includes planting, weeding, watering, 收获的农产品将捐给餐饮服务和校园厨房/石桥地区救济协会.

English Speakers of Other Languages

W&L的ESOL分会通过英语辅导课程促进莱克星顿和罗克布里奇县的交流, translations, interpretations, and community events. 此外,ESOL还组织到莫雷洛斯州港和瓜达拉哈拉的海外服务学习之旅.

Community-Academic Research Alliance

社区学术研究联盟(CARA)支持W&L students, Rockbridge地区的教授和非营利组织来解决紧迫的社区挑战, where projects are aimed at meeting urgent needs identified by the community. Through CARA, 社区合作伙伴被视为共同教育者,参与研究项目的不同阶段, including defining the research question, participating in its design and implementation, and shaping the final deliverable.

Volunteer Venture Pre-Orientation

志愿创业是一个为期一周的面向新生的服务学习预培训项目. 该项目向学生介绍太阳城集团周边城市的贫困主题&L: Education and Policy; Coal Mining, Nutrition and the Environment; Setting Sights on Civil Rights; Building a Home; Poverty and Health Care; Urban Poverty; and Hunger and Homelessness. Students will become a part of these communities for a week, living, learning, and working with the individuals they serve.


Our Sustainability Pre-Orentiation trip, which dives into a daily theme around sustainable development, energy and climate change, food sources, equitable food access, and nutrition. Building off that experience, 我们的环境研究服务学习计划为学生提供了在获得课程学分的同时参与当地社区可持续发展措施的机会.

In the Community

Global Service House

全球服务中心是一个以学生和服务为导向的全球中心,为国际主义提供了一个焦点, a locale for increased cross-cultural engagement, and a visible home for service activity.

Service- Oriented

Wanting to give back.



The public talk will take place in Kamen Gallery on Sept. 27 and is part of the Lenfest Center’s Outreach & Engagement Series.

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Snapshots of Summer


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26岁的赛·切布罗卢(Sai Chebrolu)和25岁的瓦伦蒂娜·吉拉尔多·洛萨诺(Valentina Giraldo Lozano)是入选零饥饿实习项目的13名学生之一.

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Ben Bankston '25

Leading By Example

Ben Bankston ’25 is finding opportunities at W&L to challenge himself in and out of the classroom.

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Jay Margalus在维吉尼亚创新加速器现场参观他的设计思维课程.

CBL Faculty Collaborative Generates New Community Connections

The 2023-2024 academic year at W&我看到,通过社区学习办公室(CBL)提供的一项新的教师发展倡议,为学生提供了几门新课程。.

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Students in Accounting 452 VITA program Winter Term 2024

VITA Program Returns


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WLSC students at Blue Sky

W&L Student Consulting Group Makes Connections on Campus and in the Community

威廉姆斯商学院的学生为包括市场营销在内的许多项目提供咨询, research and social media strategy for businesses and organizations.

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W&L’s Fran Elrod Quoted in NPR Segment on the Blue Ridge Mile Clinic


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Lending a Helping Hand


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OMA art program at Kendal

Opening Minds Through Art


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