W&L Welcomes Students Back to 校园 for Fall Term


The past four months have been marked by uncertainty for all of us, and I know you are e年龄r to hear more about our plans for Fall Term. 在整个规划过程中,我们一直专注于提供一个安全的住宿教育. 弗吉尼亚州现在处于重新开放的第三阶段, and we are optimistic that the State Council of Higher Education will approve our plan. With that in mind, we are inviting students to campus for the Fall Term.

The coming term will be different than any we have previously experienced. 我们正努力在前所未有的情况下提供我们的住宿文科和法律教育的精髓. If we are to succeed, each member of our community must contribute by agreeing to our 社会期望声明, 这是为了降低患病风险,增加我们在校园完成秋季学期的可能性而开发的.

This mess年龄 summarizes the critical elements of our plan. More detailed information can be found on the COVID-19 Resources website. 我们已经尽可能仔细地准备了, but it is important to bear in mind that our plans may change, 取决于COVID-19的传播情况, 我们的集体能力,遵守健康和安全协议,这是允许我们进入校园所必需的.


本科生可以选择是否来学校上课,也可以选择不来学校虚拟上课. 有些课程将亲自授课, 有些课程将采用虚拟教学, 其他课程将以混合形式授课. Students should consult the updated course catalog, 哪些会在七月底上市, to determine the format in which each course will be offered. 考虑完全虚拟教学的高年级学生应该意识到课程选择的限制可能会影响他们的专业路径, and they should contact the University Registrar if choosing this option.

选择不来学校的学生将退还住宿费、食宿费、学生健康服务费和部分学生活动费. 无论选择何种教学模式,所有本科生的学费都是一样的.

希望申请延期一年的一年级学生应在周一之前向招生办公室提交申请, 8月3日. 希望休学术假的高年级学生应在周一之前向伦纳德院长提出申请, 8月10日.


Students who choose to come to campus will be invited to arrive in August. We will conduct a phased first-year move-in from August 13-19. 7月中旬住房分配完成后,院长Rodocker将通知每个一年级学生具体的到达日期. 所有的一年级学生将被分成8-12人一组的“家庭小组”,他们将住得很近,一起参加迎新活动, which will minimize contact among students prior to the start of classes.

住在学校的高年级学生可以从8月20日开始分期入住. Details have been communicated to upper-division students by the Office of Residential Life.


Classes for the School of Law will begin on August 17. 本科课程将于8月24日开课. There will be no undergraduate Reading Days or law Fall Break to minimize travel during the term. 法学院学生和本科生将在感恩节前完成考试,直到1月份冬季学期开始才返回校园.

本科教师将决定每门课程的最佳教学模式:面对面教学, 虚拟, 或者两者的混合. 我们预计大多数本科课程将以大量的面对面教学为特色. 法学院的大部分课程都是面对面授课,但也可能包含虚拟教学的元素, 不要超过课程的三分之一. 以完全虚拟或混合形式提供的法律课程将在课程表上列出. 法律系学生想要参加虚拟的面对面课程,可以向梅森学院院长提出申请.

适用于本科生和法律系学生, 面对面和混合课程将允许由于疾病或需要自我隔离而在有限的时间内远程参与.

课程表已延长,课堂安排也已修改,以促进保持社交距离. 实验室和表演场所将配备防护设备,以便在可能无法完全保持社交距离的情况下最大限度地减少病毒的潜在传播.


Students will be expected to maintain a six-foot distance from others whenever possible, 除在自己的房间或公寓外,在室内任何时候都要戴口罩或面罩. 在户外行走时需要戴口罩,但在静止不动且与他人至少6英尺远时可以摘下口罩.

校园 dining venues will be arranged to ensure social distancing. Elrod Marketplace and Evans Dining Hall will provide seating, which will be restricted to students. All other dining venues will offer takeout service only.

该大学已经制定了加强的清洁协议,并将在公共场所建立洗手站, 进入建筑物, 以及餐饮设施. Sanitizing wipes will be placed in each classroom, 实验室和电脑室, and students and faculty will be responsible for wiping down the areas that they utilize. 我们还强烈鼓励学生和员工携带自己的消毒剂或湿巾,以便在没有公共供应时使用.

校园 buildings will remain closed to non-essential visitors throughout the Fall Term. No visitors or family members will be allowed into campus residential facilities, 除了预定的入住日期.


Unfortunately, there will be no athletic competition this Fall Term. This difficult decision was made necessary by the risks associated with travel and contact. Our coaches are identifying safe ways to work with their student-athletes on campus. I am hopeful that our athletes will have opportunities to compete in 2021.

Plays, musical performances, and other large events will be live-streamed or broadcast online.

All guest speakers will visit the university 虚拟ly, delivering their talks through online technologies.


Everyone on campus must comply with health and safety protocols to limit the spread of the virus. We will require all members of our community to participate in screening, 测试, 隔离, and contact tracing to identify and contain potential outbreaks.

Students will be asked to self-quarantine for 14 days prior to coming to Lexington. We will test all students and employees prior to the start of classes. 等待他们的测试结果, 这需要一到两天的时间, 学生将在校内进行自我隔离. Additional 测试 will be conducted throughout the term.

Students and employees will attest to any symptoms of possible COVID-19 exposure on a daily basis. 他们还将被要求保持每日联系记录,以防大学需要调查病毒爆发. 该大学将与弗吉尼亚州卫生部合作进行病例调查和接触者追踪.


当我们的学生回到校园, 我们的教职员工也将如此, though the term will look different for us as well.

大学的第二阶段 重返工作岗位计划 将于7月13日星期一开始. Full campus operations are expected to resume on 8月10日.

Given the uncertain timing of local schools returning to full-day classes, 我们将通过多种选择,努力满足有学龄子女的员工的需求, 包括换班, 课程表调整, 以及其他工作安排.

有些员工可能会被要求继续在家工作,以减少部门内部的联系. 在不能保持社交距离或需要50人以上参加的情况下,将鼓励虚拟会议.

We are pleased to be able to maintain our commitment to our workforce, avoiding furloughs despite significant budget challenges in the coming year. If we do not need to revert entirely to 虚拟 instruction, we expect to avoid having to take additional cost-cutting measures.


我们的COVID-19资源网站提供了一系列常见问题以及有关上述计划的更多详细信息. We will host a series of Zoom Town Hall meetings in late July. More information on those will be forthcoming from the COVID-19 Committee.



第一个, 感谢你们的集体耐心,因为我们已经完成了与来年计划和准备相关的许多问题. 这是不正常的. 但是W的每个人&L致力于把它做到最好.

第二个, 感谢我们这么多教职员工的辛勤工作, 工作人员, 以及为规划工作作出巨大贡献的学生,特别是我们的应急工作小组和工作小组, which created the report that formed the backbone of our plan, 以及我们的COVID-19委员会, whose ongoing work will be instrumental in bringing this plan to life.

最后, for the positive spirit and mutual support that you have demonstrated throughout this crisis, which has helped us all adapt to such radically different and rapidly evolving circumstances. 这些品质将继续为我们服务,我们一起踏上这个最不寻常的学年.

