
Season 5, Episode 4


Mass Genocide, Child Soldiering and the Flicker of Goodness Through the Lens of Law

Through a serendipitous happenstance, 马克Drumbl, Class of 1975 校友 Professor of Law and Director of the Transnational Law Institute, has dedicated his career to practicing, teaching and questioning international law. 在这一集里, we examine the function — and limitations — of law as Drumbl details his experiences as a defender for those accused of mass atrocities in Rwanda, his study into the marginalization of people and collective violence and his beliefs on how we need to reconceptualize evil.

记录: 2024年5月13日
播放: 2024年6月4日

“People often ask me, ‘Why do I find this work appealing?’ I find it appealing because at the end of the day, what I find fundamentally magnificent in looking at the most problematic places of the human condition is the constant flicker of optimism, 潜在的, promise and goodness. And I think that is also something that needs to be cultivated.”

~ 马克Drumbl, Class of 1975 校友 Professor of Law and Director of the Transnational Law Institute


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